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ADHD/ Autism Resources

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Web Resources:

(info on the gut-brain connection)

(the impact of food sensitivities on ADHD)

(the impact of food sensitivities in autism)

(great website, check out the sample menus for dietary considerations)

(about functional medicine)

(Co-mitigating factors of cerebral palsy include autism and ADHD)

Selected Research Articles:

Penn State University research involved giving autistic children a gluten-free/casein-free diet (GFCF). The results showed that children’s symptoms improved, and in some cases, their autism was reversed (Nutr Neurosci, 2012; 15:85-91)

Study revealed that these children were able to discontinue their medication six months after switching to a GFCF diet. Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behavior of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA): a randomized controlled trial. (Pelsser et al Lancet, 2011 Feb 5;377(9764):494-503)

Journal of Attention Disorders: When celiac patients went gluten free they improved in all 12 markers for ADHD in 6 months (132 children, and every child and their parents reported improvement in every child within 6 months.


General Community Resources:

I frequently refer clients with ADHD and autism to outside professionals who can help support their growth alongside my care. Professional occupations that I most commonly refer my clients to are: functional medicine doctors, integrative medicine doctors, clinical herbalists, chiropractors, craniosacral therapists, speech and language therapists, mental health professionals for long-term care, occupational therapists, and integrative psychiatrists.

Winston-Salem and Surrounding Community Resources:

  • iCAN house: This statement can be found on their website “ iCan House is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization registered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The iCan House educates, supports, and enhances the lives of those with social challenges and their families. We do so by teaching social and life skills using our own unique, interactive and engaging curriculum. We offer more than 8 programs and using this positive approach, we help members learn life, social, and independence skills. By doing so, our members also develop a sense of belonging and purpose. We provide an optimistic, transformational experience that helps a misunderstood population learn not just how the world works, but how they can succeed within it.”

  • Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine: For clients that are struggling with major stomach difficulties, that have not responded to traditional approaches, I recommend Thomas Easley at the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine. You can access him through his students at his free clinic, or you can set up a paid consultation with him. Although he tends to be more analytical and clinical than myself, his clinical skills are impressive. This is also where I trained for my family and community herbalism certificates and began clinical coursework.



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